Laser Dentistry

What is Laser Dentistry?

Laser dentistry is the use of lasers to treat a number of different dental conditions. Laser dentistry can be a precise and effective way to perform many dental procedures. Laser dentistry potentially offers a more comfortable treatment option for a number of dental procedures involving hard or soft tissue compared to drills and other non-laser tools.

LASER stands for “light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.” The instrument creates light energy in a very narrow and focused beam. This laser light produces a reaction when it hits tissue, allowing it to remove or shape the tissue.

Laser dentistry is used in a variety of procedures, including:

  • Treating Hypersensitivity
  • Treating tooth decay
  • Treating gum disease
  • Whitening teeth

What is difference between Laser Treatment and other Dental Treatments?

When you come for your laser dentistry appointment, you might be surprised to discover that the process is very similar to other dentistry appointments, like tooth fillings. During the procedure, you won’t feel any vibrations or discomfort from the laser like you do from the drill. Any bleeding that occurs gets wiped away, just like before. Your mouth will be propped open as the dentist works with the laser to treat your issues.

What are the type of Lasers used in Dentistry?

A Hard Tissue Laser is used primarily for your teeth. The wavelength of one of these lasers cuts through both water and bone, specifically the calcium phosphate that’s in your bones and your teeth. These lasers can very accurately cut into your teeth, removing small amounts for shaping purposes or in preparation for procedures. Hard tissue lasers are used for:

  • Detecting cavities.
  • Dealing with tooth sensitivity.
  • Preparing teeth for dental fillings.

The Soft Tissue Lasers use a light wavelength that hemoglobin and water absorb easily. Hemoglobin is the molecule found in blood, which makes soft tissue lasers ideal for gum work. Soft tissue lasers are used for:

  • Lengthening crowns.
  • Dealing with restricted tongue movement.
  • Reshaping the gums to create a more pleasing smile.

What are the advantages of Laser Dentistry?

  • There is potentially a decreased need for sutures with soft tissue lasers.
  • Bleeding is minimized in treated soft tissues, as the laser promotes blood clotting.
  • With some procedures, anesthesia is unnecessary.
  • The chance for bacterial infections is lower because the laser sterilizes the area.
  • The procedures may involve less damage to the surrounding tissues.

What are the disadvantages of Laser Dentistry?

  • Lasers can’t be used on teeth that already have certain types of filling, such as metal amalgam.
  • Hard lasers can sometimes injure tooth pulp.
  • Some laser procedures still require anesthesia.
  • Drills are still sometimes needed to complete fillings, including shaping, adjusting the bite, and polishing the filling.



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